27. Truck Driver Health – Find A Hobby You Can Do While On The Road
It doesn’t matter what it is, just have a way to relax. If you build models, fishing, write, crochet or whatever else might be, just take it with you on the road! If you play an instrument, you can continue to practice. What better place, than being by yourself in the truck cabin (preferably while parked in a secluded spot). But working on a hobby can slightly reduce stress, which helps you relax, which helps your sleep, and this helps your overall health.
28. Truck Driver Health – Excessive Alcoholic Drink Are Bad
Remember, around 25% of children whose parents were an alcoholic become an alcoholic as well. Alcohol impairs your judgment, reduces your reaction time, and has other negative effects on your mind and body. It is a natural depressant. So reframe from hitting the bars. After all, a DWI or DUI not only cost you money but your job as well. The Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) have strict rules about this.
Good reason to think twice about this truck driver’s tip of mine about not drinking while driving is that it kills your safety rating and hurts the safety records of the company you work for as well!