Truck Driver Health: 50 Tips to Stay Sharp on the Road

35. Truck Driver Health – Don’t Ignore Back And Joint Pain

We all get a little stiff and we all get a sore. That is just a natural part of being human, especially one who has to work. Often sitting too much can cause more issues than moving around too much. This is why stretching and exercise is important. Always check with your doctor before taking any over the counter pain relievers, but if it is too severe see your doctor immediately; it could be a sign of something more serious.

36. Truck Driver Health – Keep Your Allergies In Check

With more than 240 allergens there is no wonder why every second person we know it’s allergic to something! Now, some are very rare and others are common like the pollen!

If you are allergic to pollen, you can try closing your truck windows while driving and turn on the internal fan.  You can also avoid being outdoors between 5am and 10 am when pollen counts are at their highest! Another thing you should try doing is to stay away from freshly cut grass. If you take medications related to your allergy have them in stock in your glove box / truck toolbox or somewhere reachable!



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