I know being on the road its cool, but being on the road for that long, is a bit hard on you when is comes to cleanliness, but that should be a reason more to try harder. Not eating right, not sleeping right and not doing much of a exercise will slightly effect you immune system and if on top of that you are not doing everything you can to stay as clean as possible, then you are for sure going to face some serious health issues.
Take regular showers on the truck stops, there is places where you can get a free showers if you fuel your truck for over $250!
Don’t forget brushing your teeth too. And not only your teeth, but you should brush for over two minutes your gums, the roof of your mouth and the tongue as well. Lots of people don’t brush for long enough, don’t floss and don’t see a dentist regularly. Also, you should replace your toothbrush every month!
39. Truck Driver Health – Your Brain Is A Muscle Too
Every muscle needs to be exercised to get stronger and to maintain its strength. Your brain is no different, of course it won’t grow in size like your biceps, but its processes will. Reading, working on hobbies, playing sports all stimulates the brain. An active brain can help reduce Alzheimer’s disease and even reduce the chances of other age-related mental issues. So don’t just veg-out and watch a movie, try learning a new language or other mentally challenging activity.
40. Truck Driver Health – Never Over Extend Yourself (Physically Or Mentally)!
Know your limits! Fatigue is a major factor in maintaining both a healthy lifestyle and lowering stress. Drivers are especially prone to fatigue because of the nature of the job. Falling asleep while driving can have devastating results, or even fatal for you or for the other people on the road.