Truck Driver Health: 50 Tips to Stay Sharp on the Road

Truck Driver Health: 50 Tips to Stay Sharp on the Road

47. Truck Driver Health – Load Up On Your Vitamins

It is recommended that we eat at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day! Our body actually needs over 90mg of vitamin C each day. The best way of course is to eat natural fresh stuff, picked straight from the garden (washed of course). Now that might not be realistic but you can swing by the grocery store and get some fruit. But if you can’t do that, at least take some vitamins and other supplements. Check with your doctor to see what he/she recommends.

48. Truck Driver Health – Don’t Overlook The Small Details

As mentioned earlier stress is a major factor that affects your health. It not only affects your mind but your body as well. They say don’t sweat the small stuff, but sometimes you need to handle it before it becomes a major issue. Think of it as if someone throws a tiny pebble at you, it doesn’t hurt you might not even notice it. But when your feet are buried and you can’t handle, then it is too late. Don’t dwell on the small stuff but don’t ignore it either.

49. Truck Driver Health – Make Sure You Have A Good Mattress

Sleep glorious beautiful sleep! This is something that everyone needs to be sure they get plenty of. A good rest is important. It helps your mind to relax but it also allows for your muscles to recover. And what is an important factor in getting good rest? Choose the right truck bed mattress; resting on a good mattress and pillow, of course is the best way to get the best sleep. Just because you’re on the road doesn’t mean you can’t afford to sacrifice a good night’s rest.

50. Truck Driver Health – When Exercising Do The Weights First

I can’t stress the importance of doing exercise enough. This helps your mind and body. It is the key to maintaining proper health. That doesn’t mean you must be a bodybuilder. It also doesn’t mean that you have to run marathons. But you should get into a routine. Start with some stretches, then cardio, followed some physical workout, ending with stretching. You can check with the experts to see what is best for you, just remember even a little something is better than nothing.



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