Truck Driver Health: 50 Tips to Stay Sharp on the Road

Truck Driver Health: 50 Tips to Stay Sharp on the Road

2. Truck Driver Health – Eat Your Fruits & Vegetables

Eating fruits and vegetables can gladly improve your overall health. It is recommended that you eat ten to fifteen pieces a day, and the best option will be raw, frozen or canned.  Another good option will be to make a mixed shake or smoothie!

Besides the fact that they contain lots of great vitamins and minerals, fruits and veggies help digestion, too. Eating them on a daily basis can help you lose weight, have a better sleep at night and gladly boost your immune system!

With all the antioxidants and vitamins they contain they are well known for perfect way to fight fly and cold, and the one that contain vitamin C, (like tomatoes, berries, kale, broccoli) are great germ fighters!

Truck Driver Health: 50 Tips to Stay Sharp on the Road

3. Truck Driver Health – Avoid Unnatural Stimulants

There was a time where use of stimulants in our industry was very common. I am not saying that now is not, but at list is not to the level it used to be. It is well known that stimulants are acting bad on the professional drivers health or anyones health in matter of fact.

There are different types of stimulants, from coffee and red bull or other energy drinks, to some drugs like cocaine. Avoid those! They might give you the immediate energy and alertness you need, but the use of these artificial boosts will cause some serious issues with your health, sooner or later.

You can’t fuel your body with stimulants! Your body knows when rest is needed!



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