Truck Driver Health: 50 Tips to Stay Sharp on the Road

Truck Driver Health: 50 Tips to Stay Sharp on the Road

4. Truck Driver Health – Don’t Eat Only Meat

I know we all like to eat meat, but eating meat only is not good for your body!

Meat contains a lot of proteins that are good for your well being, but if you focus on “meat only diet” then that can cause some health issues, too.

So, add some other protein sources to your diet like legumes, protein shakes or drinks, eggs, avocado, sweet potato, or some vegetables that are reach on protein like asparagus or broccoli.

Truck Driver Health: 50 Tips to Stay Sharp on the Road

5. Truck Driver Health – Eat Less Fatty Foods / Snacks

Fatty foods are a big reason for poor truck driver’s health.  I know they are tasty and you don’t need to prepare them, but again they are very bad for your health, especially if you are trying to get in some sort of  “healthy habit diet”.

You can find some other healthy food you like to snack on instead of chips, chocolate, burgers and such, which can plug your arteries and cause some serious health issues.  A good replacement for this “junky” food will be whole grain crackers, nuts and seeds, apples…

Here is what health and wellness expert Eric Banter has to say for the “Healthy Trucker”.

6. Truck Driver Health – Be Careful Of Too Much Sun

The sun is great; after all we love having the warm rays shine down on us. But we all know that too much sun can be a problem. Sunburn, heat injuries, and skin cancer are some of the concerns. When possible don’t stay out in the sun for too long, if you do need to be out use sunscreen, or wear a good pair of protective sunglasses. It will be good to have with you some 50ph sun lotion as well.

Just remember overcast days can be more harmful than bright clear day because you don’t feel the burn as quickly. So whenever possible reduce the amount of time in direct sunlight.



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