Truck Drivers Life

Truck Driver`s Life – Hitting The Endless Roads As Lifestyle

But if you are driver of a large, heavy truck, you have to be very responsible as you drive down the road. When you achieve the hours of service regulations you have to take a moment for rest and this is the reason to avoid  fatigued drivers on the public roadways, because always the biggest concern is safety.

Truck Drivers LifeSource:

14-Hour driving window

This means that in daily bases you are allowed a 14  consecutive hours and this ours begins when you start any kind of work. Once you have reached the end of this hour limit you have to stop with driving until you reach 10 consecutive hours off duty.

Important is to remember that even if you had a small breaks for quick nap or lunch your driving is still limited to the 14-consecutive-hour period even

Truck Drivers LifeSource:

The trucking industry has an impact on every other industry in the world. There are about 15.5 million trucks operating in the United States and annually trucking accounts for about 70% of all freight transported in the  US.

Is it pays off – what are average salaries for truck drivers.

Industry, location, company size, level of education, years of experience are the main factors that affects on the amount of the salary for someone with title Truck Driver.



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