Truck Drivers Not Welcome at Walmart - 10 Terrible Reasons

Truck Drivers Not Welcome at Walmart – 10 Terrible Reasons


Have you seen the people of Walmart videos and images that are circulating? Hack, I am embarrassed just looking at some of those!

Truck Drivers Not Welcome at Walmart Origins

Unfortunately there are those small minded people who do not like truckers for one reason or another. And that is how such stories gain traction. So where did this story originate?

Well, like so many such stories if you dig deep enough there is a source of plausible truth. That isn’t saying the story is truth nor am I saying that there was a truck drivers not welcome at Walmart policy in place. But the story had to come from somewhere!

Well it did! There are a couple related sources such as signs posted at a Walmart store in Hope Mills, North Carolina which basically stated “truck drivers are not welcome.”


But there is a big difference between “truck drivers are not welcome” and “truck drivers not welcome at Walmart”, right!?

Now the Walmart management from that store stated it was not placed by any of their employees. You can find these plastered all over social media.

But don’t worry, as I said it is not the official policy of Walmart.

Why would they ban their almost 7200 truck drivers, representing about 200 carriers from shopping in their stores? Of course they wouldn’t!

But still the myth persists. So let’s look at a few possible reasons as to why this continues to plague our social media pages.



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