Truck Drivers Not Welcome at Walmart - 10 Terrible Reasons

Truck Drivers Not Welcome at Walmart – 10 Terrible Reasons

5. Accidents and Safety Concerns

According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), parking lot truck accidents account for a large percentage of pedestrian related incidents, with estimates being as high as 22 percent, in regards vehicular accident involving vehicles and child pedestrians.


25% were cause when at least one vehicle was backing. The NHTSA has conducted many studies and even made recommendations to help avoid accidents. For more information regarding the avoidance of accident check out the DOT HS 812 312.

So, I am saying all this to say that is no wonder why there might be some accidents and safety concerns that people have, one of the possible reasons why this Truck Drivers Not Welcome at Walmart sign plagued our media last year!

6. Increases Potential Crime

That is not to say that truckers are criminals nor is it saying truckers invite such an element, at least not on purpose.

But those of the criminal persuasion seek easy targets. Large trucks tend be such a target, especially when the driver is parked on some truck stop or parking lot at the store, and is asleep.

Seals and locks can be broken and cargo taken.



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