Truck Drivers Not Welcome at Walmart - 10 Terrible Reasons

Truck Drivers Not Welcome at Walmart – 10 Terrible Reasons


Truck’s tool boxes and such can be broken into and if you don’t have a fuel anti-theft and anti-siphoning system your fuel can be stolen.

But, they will also target other vehicles in the lot, so people are cautious and don’t want to risk the chance, just because they are using the same Walmart store as the trucker, at the time when crime occurs!

7. Potential Pollution

People using pollution and saving the environment for everything these days. Regardless how you stand on the issue no one likes pollution. But it is one of the buzz words of our generation and it isn’t going away anytime soon!


So what does that have to do with truckers? – When people see the big trucks the first thought isn’t, “Cool new inventory has arrived”, unless you’re the manager!

People think of the burning diesel fuel, the smoke spewed out the tailpipe and the truck exhaust.

They also think of the noise. Yes, noise is also pollution, and most communities have ordinances against it.



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