It’s understandable when on the road, far from family and friends to feel lonely and even homesick. However, there are ways how you can overcome this and stay focused.
The best way is to have a positive attitude and stay positive. Many find playing music during driving a way to stay energetic and in a good mood. Talking with family and friends (always handsfree) over any app can be also beneficial.
Thus, you will be updated with anything that’s going on in their lives as well as stay entertained and positive.
Always try to be occupied by doing something, if reading books makes you take your thoughts off the loneliness then that’s the way to go. Nevertheless, it’s good to just acknowledge that loneliness will be part of the job and accept it as it is.
There are employers that offer team driving, which means that you will always have who to talk to and loneliness will be impossible. Your team partner can be of a great use in many occasions but most importantly the ‘falling asleep on the road’ will be almost impossible.