As the time passed truck gauges started to become more and more sophisticated and capable to collect and display all kind of different data. At the very first phase the only data you were able to see was speed; but later on, one by one, more information become available.
With this improvement of truck gauges it becomes easier to drive trucks and have a complete control over them. Benefits were huge and allowed drivers to be less mechanics and to focus only on driving; witch improved the overall picture of traffic safety recording to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration FMCSA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA.
It allowed also trips to become more and longer and more and more efficient because truck down time due to often stops to check the status of the truck exhaust, the engine, Webasto, air brakes and all the other systems was reduced to minimum. Of course the progress here explained didn’t happen overnight, it took around 50 years to achieve that stage of the truck gauges.