Truck Stop Prostitution - Gigantic Myth or Reality?

Truck Stop Prostitution – Gigantic Myth or Reality?

However, the reason is not important the important thing is that the truck drivers are avoiding the lot lizards and to be honest most of them are active members against the truck stop prostitution.

I know that the life of a truck driver in not easy and I know that every one of you is facing hard time being away from home but being part of the truck stop prostitution is not a way where you can escape from the loneliness.

Truck Stop Prostitution - Gigantic Myth or Reality?

Here are few facts about truck stop prostitution and the lot lizards:

  • Most of the lot lizards are drug users and they are involved in the truck stop prostitutions to cover their need for drug use
  • Many of the lot lizards are under the age of 18 as result of child trafficking
  • The combination of drug use and a low level of hygiene can be deadly.
  • Almost every of these girls didn’t control their health and as result of that they can be source of many diseases
  • There are two groups of lot lizards. The first group is the people that want to be part of the truck stop prostitution and the second group is the group of young girls that are forced to be part of the truck stop prostitution
  • Most of the truck drivers as result of the reasons that I have mentioned are disgusted by the idea of being a part of the truck stop prostitution
  • Besides the high percentage of truck drivers that are refusing the truck lizards services, there is a small part that accepts a lot lizard services besides the risk of being exposed to diseases.

Truck Stop Prostitution - Gigantic Myth or Reality?

Types of Lot Lizards:



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