Why truck stops are a target of this type of behavior? As we know the truck stops are insulated from the local communities and as result of that the truck stops are the perfect place for prostitution.
The traffickers can easily move the victims away from that location in case of police control.
Source: wgs160.wordpress.com
The law enforcements is not always present in this locations unless it needs to respond to incidents or complaints. I mentioned before that the truck stops are having their own security to deal with the truck stop prostitution but sometimes that is not enough.
Taking many shapes the truck stop prostitution always finds a way to infiltrate in these locations. We know that the truck stops are offering a lot of amenities for truck drivers such as showers, rooms, dining or entertainment.
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Everything has changed with the new technology and the truck stop prostitution is part of that.
The truck drivers can easily find a commercial service on the many websites that are available.