Learn 50 Most Important Trucker Codes

Learn 50 Most Important Trucker Codes


Learning the various trucker codes isn’t all that hard. Operating a CB can be fun, so enjoy it! Many OTR drivers use it to kill some of the lonely time.


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By listen to the truck radio and understanding the trucker codes you can also get some good information like traffic updates, information about some dangerous roads,  truck and truckers fashion, where to find cheap diesel, different trucking industry events, warnings about police running radar, trucking accounting advises, weather reports, truck drivers urban legends and true stories, trends in trucking industry and what not.

The CB is cost effective and can operate hands free. Unlike a cell phone, or some other electronic gadgets it isn’t illegal (in most places) to used it. But the FCC does regulate the channels you are authorized to use. Currently there are 40 channels, at 10 kHz. Here they are:

1) 26.965 2) 26.975
3) 26.985 4) 27.005
5) 27.015 6) 27.025
7) 27.035 8) 27.055
9) 27.065* 10) 27.075
11) 27.085 12) 27.105
13) 27.115 14) 27.125
15) 27.135 16) 27.155
17) 27.165 18) 27.175
19) 27.185 20) 27.205
21) 27.215 22) 27.225
23) 27.255 24) 27.235
25) 27.245 26) 27.265
27) 27.275 28) 27.285
29) 27.295 30) 27.305
31) 27.315 32) 27.325
33) 27.335 34) 27.345
35) 27.355 36) 27.365
37) 27.375 38) 27.385
39) 27.395 40) 27.405

*Channel 9, reserved for emergency and traveler assistance.



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