So, all hazmat truck drivers shall be very careful, and they shall try to prevent any type of incident. But still, truck drivers shall be informed and educated about incident reporting because we cannot predict what can happen on the road.
We don’t want truck drivers if they find themselves in that type of unwanted situation to be asking themselves “Whom shall I inform about the incident of releasing hazardous materials?”.
This is the main reason why hazmat truck drivers shall read the guidance and answers to this type of critical questions that are provided by FMCSA and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA).
The FMCSA and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration are always there to offer support to all truck drivers. Hazmat truck drivers can also take advantage of the Office of Hazardous Materials Safety; this office is featuring on-line incident reporting system that truck drivers can use it to file reports of incidents that have occurred.