Ultimate List Of 25 Things You Need To Know About Telematics

For example, if you have ice road truckers or heavy-duty truck drivers then there is a bigger chance of an accident.

Why am I saying this?

First of all, not all truck drivers cope with the regulations of Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), or Transportation Security Administration (TSA).


Second, there are times when the truck drivers need to be warned or stopped. And there are cases when dispatching team cannot do that besides all the amazing things that dispatchers do every day.

In addition, there are some assumptions by the American Trucking Associations (ATA) at a connectivity and telematics conference.

The benefits of the technology are not only in increasing the safety of the truck drivers and cargo. Moreover, it contributes to the future trends in the trucking industry as well.

Source: www.gartner.com
Source: www.gartner.com

Having said this, it leads to the innovative self-driving trucks which are a drastic overturn in the trucking industry and also the highway traffic.



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