But what is automotive telematics?
For most of the users, Telematics means information exchange, navigation, safety, and security.
Notably, it represents a black box which is accident resistant and receives information of wireless type.
Normally, for these information transfers, embedded cellular modem is used or a connected smartphone.
However, the above-mentioned features are the ones that you will need in case of an emergency.
14. Insurance Telematics
The insurance telematics works in a simple way. To demonstrate, the mechanics fit a small device called a “black box” in the trucks.
This device records the speed patterns, the distance as well as road types usage.
This technology also monitors the braking and the cornering in order to create a picture of the driving style.
The insurers collect this data and calculate it afterward. Continually, the insurance cost is adjusted accordingly and they define the price you need to pay in the end.