Fortunately you can pay big bucks to find a fancy lawyer who can get that removed. But did I mention it will be very expensive, and often can involve some form of driver safety course and perhaps even rehab. But, don’t worry because there are plenty of websites offering to help and lots of lawyers who will take your money.
So before you belly up to the bar to drop a few bills for your favorite cold one, you better think of how much it can cost.
So let’s say the beer was $3.50 times enough to fail the BAC test. Times the court cost, loss of wages, increase and insurance premiums, cost of lawyers… I don’t’ know about you but all I am hearing is the old fashion cash register dinging as it rings up the sale of your truck driving career.
Other Thinks You Should Know Connected With the Question: Can Felons Be Truck Drivers?
I’ve tried to cover as much as I can on the question can felons be truck drivers but you know as well as I do that there is always something more that can be added.