Ultimate Truth- Can Felons Be Truck Drivers?

Ultimate Truth: Can Felons Be Truck Drivers?

Can Felonies Be Truck Drivers And Is There Trucking Company That Will Employ Them?

Well there is hope, with the trucking industry being in constant demand of truck drivers. There is a shortage that exists, for few decades now, so there is a real chance that somebody will give you that second chance.

Source: www.jailtojob.com
Source: www.jailtojob.com

Beggars can’t be choosers, –is what they say. This is very true for the trucking industry employers. That’s good for some felons, meaning there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and they can be truck drivers after all!

There are trucking companies that hire felons depending on few things like:

  • How recent the conviction was;
  • What type of felony was;
  • How many felony convictions the applicant has.
Source: www.WacoTrib.com
Source: www.WacoTrib.com

Further, they have different standards and will hire felons that was convicted:

  • 10 years ago, or more;
  • 7 years ago, or more;
  • 5 years ago;
  • Hire felons on case by case;

So, after all, there are trucking companies that hire felons. There are many as a matter of fact!



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