Ultimate Truth: Trucker Tattoos and Trucking Companies Tattoo Policy

1. Are Tattoos Still Taboo?

Sincerely, many things and approaches about tattoos have changed, but still, tattoos have remained to be a taboo among people. Especially on the workplace. Even nowadays, we are witnessing that in the trucking industry, there are many trucking companies that are prohibiting visible body art.

Although things are changing, many truckers these days have to adhere to the trucking companies tattoo policy. Some companies are asking their truck drivers for discretion.

Source: www.tattoo-ideas.com
Source: www.tattoo-ideas.com

Therefore, the trucking companies tattoo policy indicates a prohibition of visible trucker tattoos that are discriminatory, or linked to criminal, or violent activity.

Trucker Tattoos remain to be a taboo in the trucking industry, especially in the trucking companies that have a high ranking, due to one reason.

That reason is the concern that if their truck drivers have visible tattoos, can impact negatively on the ranking of the trucking company, and that they are going to lose their existing clients. That is how trucking companies tattoo policy saw the light in this ever-growing industry.

Moreover, the popularity of trucker tattoos is rising every day, and that can lead to a change of trucking companies tattoo policy. In my opinion, it is just a matter of time.



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