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I will mention again don’t mix the warming up with the idling because with idling of 5 minutes you are forcing the fluid to flow and pistons to move without actual moving of the truck which can lower the life of the engine and truck radiator.
Don’t Force the Gas Pedal
Even if you let your truck warm up for 30 seconds before you take the road first 15 to 30 minutes you need to be gentle with the gas pedal. Being gentle at first allows your engine to warm up and the truck radiator coolant to take the flow.
Source: www.ukhaulier.co.uk
If you start with exercise you should first warm up the body before proceeding with the exercises that require a bigger effort. The same thing is with the engine and the truck radiator. They need first to warm up before you force them to run at high speed.
Don’t stress your truck unnecessary.
Drive with lower speed and wait for the liquids to warm up to achieve great performance. It is important to lower your speed to save yourself fuel and money on unnecessary fuel burning.
Use a Truck Radiator Covers
There is one product that truck drivers are using to protect the truck radiator from the winter condition. The product is called truck radiator cover. The cold wetter can destroy the engine and functionality of the truck radiator.