Weather And Climate Impacts On Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety

Snow squalls form due to low-level thermal instability. As well snow squalls can happen due to moist air and a trigger mechanism.

The tricky thing about snow squalls is that they generate without conditions.

commercial motor vehicle safety snow

So, if it happens that you are on the road while snow squalls happen, then you should know that the sheer intensity of snow can cause rapid glazing and by that to have a negative impact on commercial motor vehicle safety.

Most people believe that snow squalls are the precursors to the arrival of arctic air masses.

Impaired Visibility and Fog Impacts On Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety

Intense storms, smog, dust, as well as coastal and ground fog can result in impaired visibility.

When truck drivers operating a commercial motor vehicle happen to drive through impaired visibility they should be highly alarmed.

That is so because impaired visibility can cause loss of control and increased risks of collisions between vehicles and roadside structures.



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