These are not just for the driver nor are they just for the company, they apply to both. Failure to comply can result in excessive penalties and fines, loss of vehicles license, and perhaps even loss of other operating permits.
Plus on the top of all, you will lose revenue from those no longer wishing to conduct business with you.
Also there could be increases in truck insurance and cargo insurance premiums, lawsuits, court costs, damage payments, and more. It is much simpler to just comply with the law!
What about Medications & Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drugs?
If you are legally taking something and you have prescription for, bring it in together with the note from the doctor or other prescribing authority.
If you are taking some medications from over the counter, you should be ok, but notify them before the DOT drug testing. Tell what you’re taking, how much, how often, and when the last dose was.