While shipping something from US to Canada, it is subject to Canadian rules of taxation, security and custom clearance. A number of agencies within the Canadian government are authorized to collect the taxes and approve the goods to enter Canada.
Much like USA in Canada also the trucker is held responsible if found in the custody of any illegal item before it is handed over to the person or company it was booked for.
For driving a truck in Canada the driver must have the driver’s license. This license is issued to the foreign nationals and has a validity of one year only. After one year it needs to be renewed.
Cross Border Shipping with Mexico
Most of the regulations for Mexico are the same as those for the trucks coming from Canada. When the trucks enter the USA from Canada they have to undergo the same series of inspections and custom and security clearances.
There are still more loopholes in the shipping of goods from Mexico to USA. To avoid this thing, the US government strives to eliminate the malpractices and import of illegal goods. The Mexican market mainly supplies agricultural and raw products to the US industries.