Later-on, Electronic Logging Devices must be used by:
- Truck drivers who are still using paper logs;
- The carriers who are still using the benefits of AOBRDS;
As a matter of fact, the release date when ELD Mandate is expected to take effect is scheduled to 16th December 2017.
Well, speaking of the new rules and regulations that have been issued by FMCSA we must admit that they have caused a huge impact on the entire trucking industry and especially on truck driver’s efficiency.
Furthermore, you can read the driver requirements in regards of the HOS’s rules and regulations:
- Truck drivers are not required to keep paper logs starting from the moment when their trucking company implements ELD;
- Therefore at the same moment when truck drivers start using ELD they must keep and maintain supporting documentation and sent it to their trucking company; whereas the trucking companies have to keep all documents altogether with the records of duty for a period of six months;
- When it comes to owner-operators, they need to store the documentation in the same manner and to keep it on file;